Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Friday

To shop or not to shop...that is the question.

Actually it's really not. The answer is always yes to shopping.
Of course since Tyler is technically unemployed and the whole living with the parents thing is going on right now, the whole shopping thing is scaled down.

Nevertheless, this was an AWESOME shopping day. I'm the kind of person who already has their Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving...(yes I am completely done...wrapping them all up this week so they can sit under the tree all gorgeous all of december!) Black Friday for me isn't about scoring deals for stocking stuffers or whatnot. This year I only had one thing on my list: a wireless router and of course various things for my mom (like $6 sandwich makers! handy little suckers that are only sold around Christmas time)  haha funny enough that was the one thing Tyler suggested we get since we will need one when we get out on our own. Not to mention that normal price is well over $50 normally. So the score at $29 was worth getting up at 7am. Yes, 7am. That is VERRRY early for me, Eliza and I like to snooze until 10 or 10:30:)

Speaking of which, my baby is 3 months on Tuesday! that's in 2 short days and you can bet I'll have some pics to put up. I don't think she has changed that much and I think she is slowing down a little in her weight gain. Probably because she's sleeping through the night...Wait, in case you missed that

She's Sleeping Through the Night! 

from 10:30-6:30 and then I feed her and put her back by 6:45 and she sleeps until 10:15 usually. Wow, what a difference our life has been! I thought for sure since she was so little it would take longer, but at about 2 1/2 months her 6 hour stints turned into 7 or 8 and it was more consistent. I love it!

We spent Thanksgiving with my family in Colorado and had a blast. It was one of our best visits yet! Turkey day was great all grateful and stuff and we ate all those traditional dishes (something when I host thanksgiving I won't do btw) We took the traditional family photo, went to go see a movie (sold out though:() watched football and played games. We enjoyed the pleasantly surprising warm weather, relatively, and were quite sad to leave. Eliza did great on her first little airplane ride. I am so grateful she is such a great baby.

The week before we thought we were going to have to buy a new laptop for Tyler because it unexpectedly stopped working, something we really didn't want to have to cough up funds for right now, but what-do-ya-know, my resourceful hubby looked up possible solutions and bought a new part for only $12. Turns out all the screen needed was a new inverter. Awesome. Now our dinosaur will last another couple months, at least until we start getting an income again.

Ok, well that's another little snapshot of what life in the Rasmussen household has been like. Pics to come later this week of our little buttons!

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