On another note, I can't believe it's already the week of July 4th. The good news is that it's only a 4 day week, but sad news that I can't spend it with Tyler. If anyone is wondering, I miss him, can't live without him, and hate being away from him. Sorry if I'm a little whiney. oh well.
On a very happy note, I talked with my parents from Chile (Dan and Anne Smith) and they're going to join me when I go through the temple when I go for the first time. I can't wait to see them and show them how happy I am!! yay!
This last weekend we went to the lake with our wave runners and that was really fun. the funniest part was when we hooked up the tube and put Hayden on it with Rachel and Jared and then went. We hadn't tried this before and before we even got going, Hayden went head first into the water. He was sputtering and crying, but we convinced him to try again. Sure enough, like 10 seconds later, he went over again...this time he held on and was being dragged for a bit. Rachel finally pried him off and made him let go, but this time he was furious and crying because he had swallowed a bunch of water and he was scared.
ok, well enough for now I guess...here's a ton of pics and I want comments on your favorites!!! (click on photo to view more pics)
Carissa! I love all of your pictures! They are so sweet! Are you at home in colorado? Or is your family out in utah? I bet its so hard to be away! Oh how much I wish I could be there to celebrate with you and I am so sorry that we have not kept in better touch! Maybe we can all end up in the same place some day and get to know eachothers spouses and have fun game night! Does this sound cheesy?!?! I miss you! But I am so proud of yo uand excited for you! I know that my parents will be there to celebrate! My heart will be with them! Make sure and get y adress from them to send an anouncment okay?! We REALLY need to talk. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call! I will try to hunt down your number. Love you so much and miss you! love, Jessi
I like the first one or the ones where Ty doesn't have his glasses on. They are all cute though. I got a list of people and addresses from Ty that I am assuming is for the shower but some of the people didn't have addresses with their names. Let me know what you want to do.
HEY I was not picking on you and Tyler, and you know that I love EVERYTHING about you and Tyler and your relationship. Except for the fact that I'm not in it, but you know... ba ha ha.
LOVE YOU! and I can't wait until you come back to utahlandia!
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