Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have been so bad at writing personal information on my blogs that my friends constantly ask for updates. For me, there isn't much going on in my life, at least I don't think...and then they so calmly remind me, I'm moving and I have another job and this and that...so I guess what I'm trying to say is I'M SORRY. I'm sorry that I am more interested in posting cute little vintage paper dolls and amazing chandeliers than talking about my boring life.

BUT, I realize, I do need to update. SO, here goes. We are moving. Saturday. As in 3 days from now. I have been working ever since we found out (last week) that we have to be out by the end of the month (or rather we volunteered to leave and that was our deadline--see my aunt and uncle are moving into our apt). On Saturday Ty and I went through all our memories from childhood til the present and cleaned up and got rid of what we no longer needed to hold on to. We organized and packed away all our summer clothing and camping gear.
This week, I've lined the hallway with all our decorations all neatly wrapped in bubble wrap and stored in containers. I've stored all our extra linens and towels and food storage and bathroom storage (you know my extra shampoo and conditioner and alcohol and hand sanitizer). I've packed my non-essential kitchen appliances (not the oven or anything:) my lean mean grilling machine and the large crockpot and ableskiever...don't worry, the Choco-Motion, Panini Maker, Kitchenaid, and wafflemaker are still out:) Along with my blender that we so often use to make delicious smoothies. I've made our menu off of all the food we had in our pantry and freezer so we would transport as little as possible and I've stored what we are transporting in handy dandy blue Walmart reusable grocery bags. LOVE THEM! I've got all the extra ziploc's stored along with my kitchen towels and sundae dishes. My dishes from my china cabinet are all snuggled tightly in newspaper in a big gray bin. I finally got all the drawers cleaned out in the bathroom so for tomorrow I have a lot of scrubbing to do:) I also have all the blankets (minus the ones on our beds) and pillows stacked in nice BIG black garbage bags--the space in the bins is too precious. Now you have heard plenty of my moving melee and I will continue on to my new job...

here it is... for those of you who don't know...and may have been wondering what I do to stay busy since I'm a college graduate and not yet mother...

I currently manage the inventory for two outpatient surgical centers in Colorado Springs, CO. How do I do this you ask? the internet and remote access to their server. I love technology. This is a part time job (like 15-20 hrs/week).

I am an administrative assistant for an entrepreneur based in Salt Lake and Seattle, WA. and by assistant I mean mostly research...on the internet...from my couch. (this is more like 5 hrs/week)

I substitute teach ballet classes. MY FAVORITE and unfortunately not frequent enough:( (but thankfully I average about 10hrs a month) This by the way is a guilty pleasure and obsession of mine--obviously. You know how they say, "those who can't do, teach". Ya, this is me all over. I wish it were me gripping the barre and dancing em pointe...but sadly, health is #1 priority right now!

I am a house helper for a wonderful family in Orem who have me do the cleaning, laundry, organization, and really, whatever the mom can't do at the moment stuff. (I've known the family for awhile and this is a GREAT arrangement, let me tell you. Get paid to do the easy stuff!!) (This is 15 hrs/week, more or less depending on my health/need)

I know that doesn't seem like enough for a recently college graduate used to carrying heavy school burdens and taxing dance rehearsals, plus work...so don't worry. I try to workout every morning and keep up the little sewing business I have going (that's what the FEATURED blog is all about).

It actually has been quite difficult these past 9 months finding out who the new Carissa is. I mean, I've defined myself as a student for so long and once I got married I thought I'd be mothering long by now...so I think I'm so scattered all over the place because I am still trying to find my place in the IN-BETWEEN world of the student and mommies. I know there are more of you out there...Come out Come out Wherever you are and SHOW YOURSELF. I need a friend:) haha. just kidding.

Needless to say, my lack of personal posting I think I can attribute mostly to this feeling of nothingness (at least by what I used to define my life) and it hit to close to home to be constantly writing about work and how chiseled my abs are getting, when I'd rather be posting pictures of a growing belly or a afternoon at the park (yes, even in the snow...) that I finally stopped posting about ME and wrote more about what I want in my future...and how much I love design and ballet:)

If you made it to the end of this post, Congratulations. It isn't often that I write this much, especially without pictures and I know most of you scroll through the writing and go straight to the pictures. I'm banking on this and that's why I didn't post any.... Because then I can still hide behind all my busyness and successful career stuff and no one will know what's really going on in my life.


P.S. if you want to see some funny web pages Tyler and I built back in our Freshman year of college...check them out here and here


Grace Hart said...

Yay for a real post! Your life is super exciting and you have so much cool stuff going on in your life! I love you lots and lots!

maggie-t said...

It was so nice to get a long update from you!!! You mentioned your health several times...is everything ok? I hope so. please let me know. You didn't mention(or maybe you did and I didn't catch it) where you are moving. You sound SO busy. What a fun exciting life you lead:)

call me anytime. 801-822-3982.

Jolena said...

I totally understand that weird in-between graduation and motherhood phase! I went back to grad school to kind of fill in that space, among other reasons of course. Where are you guys moving?

Jolena said...

I'd love your list of crafty blogs! My email is jolena.ashman@gmail.com. I love Sandy! My aunt lives there and it's just a great place. Is your husband still in school, or is he done?

Anonymous said...

i definitely made it to the end...partly to figure out if this means you are moving out of the ward?! i hope the moving goes well, but will be sad if this means you'll not be around anymore! and yeah, you sound incredibly busy but yay for jobs that can be done in pjs!!

Momza said...

Hi Carissa!
I think I got here thru Tori's blog...lol, not sure. But WOW! you are one busy woman! SO many talents and opportunities you get to explore in this season of your life! I think it's great!
Before you know it, you'll be writing about babies, cheerios, minivans, first steps and all that "mommy-stuff"! Have a great vacation!