Monday, September 21, 2009

a story for us young kids

I wanted to share a little bit of my past couple weeks on living with my grandparents in Sandy:) It has been wonderful spending time listening to their stories! Since I work at home, I am usually available when they decide to go to lunch. My grandma doesn't cook anymore; since the time I was little all I can remember is them going out for every meal. They pretty much usually just go to one place: Golden Corral.

Before anyone's preconceived notions regarding this buffet-style restaurant, let me clue you in to some of the benefits it offers:

1. multiplicity of seniors at every hour
2. bridge/rummy club MWF at 11am
3. great waitresses who recognize you by name and know you get a "diet" drink every meal
4. chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge...all you can eat.
5. grandma who comments about every fat person in the place and reminds me to exercise
6. grandpa who gives me work out tips

Today I knew it had reached an important point when my grandpa asked if we wanted to go to Chinese or Golden Corral and I was secretly hoping my grandma wanted the latter. Thankfully, she is a definite creature of habit and we went to Golden Corral. YAY!!

1 comment:

KB said...

Haha I love those kinds of places grandparents always frequent :)